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it’s too hard for me to sort out my clothes cause you know









Rank: 9Rank: 9Rank: 9

發表於 2016-4-22 15:26:17 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
  Currently, I am living in a 3-bedroom flat in a 20-floor apartment building. I’ve been living there for almost 15 years. It is located in the center of the city, which makes it super convenient for me to go anywhere I want.

  3.Which room do you like best?
  My dream home has to be a beach house. Living by the water, I can be waken up by sea birds singing and sea tides pounding every morning. Hopefully,台中住宿, the house is enclosed by floor to ceiling glass, so that I can enjoy ocean views from each and every room. What’s more, I want to have an eat-in kitchen which I could host big parties every weekend. Lastly, it has to be quick and easy for me to go to the hospitals, superstores and train stations. Is it too much to ask?
  Honestly speaking, I like my home theatre the best. With a big screen TV and a set of stereos in my living room, it becomes my personal haven. You know, I am a big fan of movies, from sci-fi to romance, from comedy to horror, to name just a few. I especially enjoy watching it alone at my place, because I could get a chance to sit there quietly by myself without being interrupted by other people.

  4.Is there anything you want to change about your room?


  Honestly there’s a lot to change about my room. First and foremost, I want to replace the drapes for they’re too old and, the pattern is not my style. And then. I want to renovate the closet. Right now, it’s too hard for me to sort out my clothes cause you know, I have too many. Lastly, I would paint the walls in light lemon just because I think it’s comfortable to look at.
  1.Do you live in a house or an apartment?

  2.What is your dream home?

  本期的專題名師是我們的Chase趙老師,Chase老師畢業於加拿大UBC(University Of British Columbia),主要是負責口語教壆,口語可是8分的大神啊。以後每一周Chase老師都會將如何壆好口語的方法和經驗傳授給大傢。想壆好口語的童鞋們~記得對Chase老師的專欄保持關注哦~~

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